Living in the Presence of God
“My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." John14:2-3 (NIV)
Spending time with someone that you are in love with always seems to fly by so quickly. Your wish would be that those moments would never end. You become saddened that time has rushed by, praying that they could stay just a little longer.
In the New Testament the bible reveals through the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John how the twelve disciples accompanied Jesus daily, gleaning from His every Word and story. Their relationship with Jesus was built upon love, protection, and trust to where each disciple willingly gave up their worldly possessions to become a part of the story.
Can you imagine how His disciples felt the day that Jesus announced that He had to leave them for a time? Surely questions of “Why do you have to leave”? and can we go with you?” filled their mind. However, Jesus’s comforting words in John 14:2-4 gave insight that His departure was only temporary, but required, so that we can live with Him for eternity. Our desire for Jesus today in His imminent return should be reflective in the same manner, praying and desiring for His soon return so that we can experience living daily in His manifested glory.
Our mindset and posture should mimic the disciples of the New Testament in preparation of Jesus return daily. Understanding that the place that Jesus is preparing for us in this scripture is not truly about the size, and beauty that dwells within the place, but the magnificent glory of God’s presence that awaits to fill us with upon our arrival.
Prayer: Father, Thank you for the gift of revelation. You have revealed in your Word, that you are away preparing a place that we can spend eternity with you basking in your presence, glorying, and praising you. Thank you for the gift of understanding that while you are preparing to receive us that we are about our father’s business gathering the harvest of your people to share in your glory by sharing the Gospel. Reveal to our hearts and mind to where the Gospel is needed to be shared so that we will gather every heart that desires to be ready to live in eternity with you.
In Jesus Name,